
The cornerstone of para sport

What is Classification?

Classification in Para athletics is a process used to determine which athletes are eligible to compete in the sport and to group athletes for competition based on the extent of their impairments. The goal is to minimize the impact of impairments on performance, ensuring fair competition.

Sport-Specific Nature Of Classification

Classification is tailored to each sport because impairments affect performance differently depending on the sport. Therefore, an athlete may qualify for one sport but not for another. Simply having an impairment does not automatically qualify an athlete for Para sports.

Sport Classes

Athletes are grouped into 'Sport Classes' based on the degree of activity limitation caused by their impairments. This system is analogous to grouping athletes by age, gender, or weight categories.


Classification in various Para sports is regulated by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Germany, Athlete Classification Code and Standards, which provide the framework and guidelines for fair and consistent classification across sports.

This overview is intended to provide a basic understanding of classification in Para sport. For detailed and sport-specific rules, refer to the official classification regulations of the respective sport.


To be eligible to compete in Para athletics, a person must

Have an eligible impairment.

Meet the minimum impairment criteria as defined by the respective sporting governing bodies.


To be eligible to compete in Para athletics, a person must

  • Have an eligible impairment.
  • Meet the minimum impairment criteria as defined by the respective sporting governing bodies.

This overview is intended to provide a basic understanding of classification in Para sport. For detailed and sport-specific rules, refer to the official classification regulations of the respective sport.

Eligibile Impairments for Para Sport

Impairment Type Description
Impaired Muscle Power Athletes with Impaired Muscle Power have a Health Condition that either reduces or eliminates their ability to voluntarily contract their muscles in order to move or to generate force.  Examples: Spinal cord injury (complete or incomplete, tetra-or paraplegia or paraparesis), muscular dystrophy, post-polio syndrome, spina bifida etc.
Impaired passive range of movement Athletes with Impaired Passive Range of Movement have a restriction or a lack of passive movement in one or more joints. Examples: Arthrogryposis and contracture resulting from chronic joint immobilisation or trauma affecting a joint.
Limb deficiency Athletes with Limb Deficiency have total or partial absence of bones or joints as a consequence of trauma (traumatic amputation), illness (bone cancer) or congenital limb deficiency (dysmelia).
Leg length difference Athletes with leg length difference have a difference in the length of their legs as a result of a disturbance of limb growth, and/ or trauma.
Short Stature Athletes with Short Stature have a reduced length in the bones of the upper limbs, lower limbs and/or trunk.  Examples: : Achondroplasia, growth hormone dysfunction, osteogenesis imperfecta etc.
Hypertonia Athletes with Hypertonia have an increase in muscle tension and a reduced ability of a muscle to stretch caused by damage to the central nervous system.  Examples: Cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke etc.
Ataxia Athletes with Ataxia have uncoordinated movements caused by damage to the central nervous system. Examples: Cerebral palsy, TBI, stroke, multiple sclerosis etc.
Athetosis Athletes with Athetosis have continual slow involuntary movements. Examples: Cerebral palsy, TBI, stroke etc.
Vision Impairment Athletes with Vision Impairment have reduced, or no vision caused by damage to the eye structure, optical nerves or optical pathways, or visual cortex of the brain. Examples: Retinitis pigmentosa. diabetic retinopathy etc.
Intellectual Impairment Athletes with an Intellectual Impairment have a restriction in intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour in which affects conceptual, social and practical adaptive skills required for everyday life. This Impairment must be present before the age of 18.

Pathway for classification of an athlete

To license an Athlete, you will need the following

Athlete’s profile in Sport Data Management Systems (SDMS)

  • Copy of athlete’s latest valid passport
  • Latest photo with plain background (not older than one year)
  • IPC athlete eligibility agreement
  • Medical diagnostic form (MDF) – for athletes with visual impairment (VI) and physical impairment (PI) to be filled by registered medical practitioner (RMP)
  • Supporting medical documentation includes but not restricted to: latest radiological scans, investigations, operative notes and discharge summary (if applicable).
  • Intellectual impairment: athletes must meet the VIRTUS II 1 eligibility criteria and shall be listed on the VIRTUS international eligibility master list. it is the responsibility of the athlete and the NPC to submit a copy of training history & sporty activity limitations inventory – questionnaire (TSAL-Q) form via the SDMS online system.
  • Athlete epilepsy declaration form – only for shooting para sport athletes
S.No Athletics Link
1 Para Athletics Click Here
2 Para Swimming Click Here
3 Para Powerlifting Cick Here
4 Para Shooting Click Here

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